Test Your Pressure or Temperature Relief Valve
This value is designed to stop your tank from exploding when the pressure
or temperature goes over the safe limit. Test this valve regularly as
residential valves regularly fail. Testing this annually will ensure that
water is flowing freely when the handle is raised and that the water stops
when the handle is released.
If Your Water Heater Fails
Your water heater has an average lifespan of 10 years. Like any standard
appliance, wear and tear can cause issues to the tank that will cause
irreplaceable damage, needing it to be replaced.
One of the most common problems to arise involves the connection of the
water supply lines. Leaks from these lines often leads to widespread
damage, from mold and mildew to structural problems. The mold and mildew
buildup can lead to health problems to people in the household who might
be susceptible.